School Policies

EOMS POLICY (Educational Organizations— Management Systems)

At Sheoran International School, we are committed to nurturing future global citizens who positively contribute towards India’s economic development and World harmony:

  • For this, the mission of Sheoran International School has decided to train young minds to discover and harness their resources, which will enable them to lead a more meaningful and fulfilling life of personal, professional and social excellence.
  • To achieve this end, the school endeavors to provide academic, cultural, social, physical and moral education of world-class standards.
  • We ensure educational, scientific and technical development regularly.
  • We also ensure the confidential management of our intellectual property.
  • Through constant introspection, assessment and implementation leading to the satisfaction of all our interested parties and compliance with all applicable requirements, we shall ensure continual improvement of our educational management system.

Anti-Bullying Policy

Sheoran International School is committed to fostering a compassionate, receptive and non-threatening atmosphere that promotes learning and personal growth. We aim to create an environment where all students and staff appreciate the right to work in a safe environment. Bullying of any sort because of gender, race, disability, sexuality, religion, wealth, family background, etc., is deemed completely unacceptable by the school. Students and staff are obliged to behave in a pleasant, friendly and non-threatening manner with each other.

Preventing Bullying– While the policy ensures that the school responds to acts of bullying in an appropriate way, it is to our advantage if we work together to prevent bullying from happening. The following will be used to avoid and educate students about bullying:

  • Providing a shared understanding of bullying issues for the whole school.
  • Students must be responsible and cautious of the information that they share online.
  • Educating students on the long term impacts of bullying on physical and mental health.
  • Supplying all students, faculty and parents with copies of the bullying policy.
  • Raising student awareness that they have the right to seek help to resolve bullying incidents.
  • Consistent implementation of the policy.
  • Emphasising the importance of reporting incidents of bullying, both observed and experienced. The obligation to tell must be emphasised and the code of silence must be discouraged.
  • Staff should model respectful behaviour, convey a sense of caring responsiveness and avoid using sarcastic or threatening comments.
  • The use of cooperative learning methods to promote pro-social behaviour.
  • Helping students feel comfortable in accepting differences.
  • Building peer support systems, using techniques such as conflict resolution, mediation and class buddies.
  • Teachers need to be vigilant during snack/lunch breaks and on buses.

Complaint Procedure

Guidance on how to deal with your concerns:

At Sheoran International School, we firmly believe in a circle of communication between parents/guardians, students and the school. Without this, students’ needs are not best met. We have prepared this guidance document to help parents and carers know who to contact.

  • Raise any complaint, appeal, concern or routine queries with the respective class teachers through almanac or in the PTM’s.
  • Concerns of a severe nature should be made to the Headmaster/Vice Principal. If the problem refers to the Headmaster, it can be raised with the Principal. (In extreme circumstances, School Management will become involved if the matter has not been dealt with satisfactorily by other staff).
  • Staff at the school will make every effort to respond to your complaint or appeal within 48 hours. More serious issues will be responded to within 24 hours.
  • The Principal decides the seriousness of the issue.
  • When telephoning, please be aware that most staff will be teaching and that on many occasions, you will be asked to leave a message. Please ask for the issue to be dealt with by your child’s class/subject teacher.
  • It would be helpful to explain your concerns to the office to deal with the problem quickly.
  • If you are not sure of the name of the person you want to speak to, the office staff can tell you who you need to contact.

PLEASE NOTE: It is not possible to come into school without a prior appointment and expect to see a staff member. Please book an appointment.

Concern or Complaint

If a concern is raised and not dealt with, it becomes a complaint. Please, raise your concerns before they become complaints. In some circumstances, it is necessary for the Headmaster/Vice Principal to pass down an issue to another member of staff. This does not mean that the school is taking your concern any less seriously. Through delegation, we are trying to ensure that your concern is dealt with as quickly as possible.

After receiving your complaint and appeal, we would acknowledge the same and track the status. Initial assessment and investigations are carried out before we respond to you regarding the closure and communication of our decision.

What Can You Do to Help?

  • Keep us up to date with contact numbers as work, home, mobile and e-mail are all useful in helping us to contact you more efficiently.
  • When telephoning, please be aware that most staff will be teaching and that on many occasions, you will be asked to leave a message.

Know Who to Contact

  • Class Teacher/Subject Teacher (Concern)
  • Headmaster /VicePricipal (Serious concern or complaint)
  • Chief Admin Officer (Complaint)
  • Principal (Formal complaint)
  • Executive Director (Formal Complaint)

Class/Subject Teacher

We place great emphasis on the role of the teacher. It is the teacher who has the most regular contact with your child, monitoring attendance, academic performance and the general welfare of your child.

  • If you have a query or a concern, please contact the class/subject teacher first. If the class/subject teacher cannot resolve the situation, they will seek the assistance of the Headmaster/Vice Principal.
  • If the Headmaster/Vice Principal cannot resolve the situation with the teacher, they will seek assistance from the Principal.
  • If you still feel the issue has not been resolved in very extreme cases, having discussed your concerns with the Headmaster/Vice Principal, you can contact the Principal.

The Headmaster/Vice Principal

  • If you have a complaint that you feel should be looked at by the Headmaster/Vice Principal in the first instance; you can contact him/her straight away. However, it is usually best to discuss such problems face to face and for this, you will need an appointment. This can be done by telephoning and asking to speak to the Headmaster/Vice Principal, to whom you may talk in confidence.
  • It is always helpful if the Headmaster/Vice Principal is made aware of the nature of the complaint before he meets with his parents, as it enables him to make some initial investigations on your behalf.

Formal Complaints

  • We will do all that we can to resolve matters straight away. Still, if you are not entirely satisfied with the Teachers’ response (or with the Headmaster/Vice Principal’s actions if he/she has already been involved), you can make a formal complaint to the Principal.
  • This should be made in writing to the Principal.
  • The designated staff (appointed by the Principal) will contact you to discuss the problem. Usually, you will be invited to a meeting. The designated staff will then investigate the complaint.
  • You will receive
    a written response to your complaint.